"We are all just here to help walk each other home, leaving only love and kindness in our tread."

In Their Own Words
Read what people are saying about My Happy Place Animal Sanctuary, in their own words...

"My Happy Place is a serene, loving, homey, environment where horsees are free to just be. The horses are majestic beings whose energy truly heals.
I was fortunate to meet Pharaoh last fall, and I could not believe how safe and peaceful I felt in his presence.
Pharaoh exudes grace, strength, and an undeniable grounding energy that brought me to a space of complete support.
Since our meeting, Pharaoh's spirit continues to be with me- helping me heal as I walk my path.
Thank you, Pharaoh! Thank you, Julie for caring for these magnificent beings!"
"I have embraced that human nature craves unconditional love.
Being able to give unconditional love to creatures larger than life, and then feeling their acceptance of your healing approach has been the most rewarding and spiritual journey for me.
Receiving and giving through the horses, healing from the inside out, should be a MUST in every individual's life. We are all Nature's Creations."

"When I come to visit the horses, I get this feeling of joy when I visit these loving and caring souls.
My heart opens and connects to them as I walk up to the gates. Each horse has a different feel and personality- I love each of them.
By connecting to them, I feel I am opening my consciousness to something larger and more ancient...and my awe of these amazing creatures comes to me as gratitude to be near them. They help me to be present and grounded, and they fill me with appreciation for life.
Thank you for the opportunity to be in their presence."
"I started volunteering at My Happy Place Animal Sanctuary originally for Confirmation service hours, and because I love animals.
After meeting Julie and learning about the horses she rescues, I feel so happy I get to help and make relationships with these incredible animals.
Getting to groom and feed the horses and knowing they are being cared for makes me feel good and I always look forward to coming back. It's a wonderful place!